Ulkomaisia vaippakangaskauppoja
Specialized online stores specifically for diaper making:
* www.diapershop.com - (most all diaper making fabrics, notions, snap presses, snaps, and lots of diaper patterns)
* www.sewshoppe.com - (most all diaper making fabrics, notions, metal snaps, and lots of diaper patterns)
* www.acutabovefabrics.com - (diaper sized cuts of diaper fabric)
* www.diapercuts.com - (snap setting, diaper sized cuts, fabric by the yard, patterns)
* www.jennsdiapers.com/PUL.htm - (PUL cuts)
* www.CelticClothsWholesale.com - (PUL yardage and cuts, hemp, organics, bamboo, pattern, some notions)
Other online stores that often have a good selection of fabrics that can be used in diaper making:
* www.fabric.com - (MM fleeces, sometimes suitable wools, knit prints, fun wovens)
* www.denverfabrics.com - (MM fleeces, sometimes suitable wools, fun wovens)
* www.sewzannesfabrics.com - (MM fleeces, velour, PRR knits, lots of diaper stuff)
* www.yardbyyardfabricsandcrafts.com - (wovens and flannels)
* www.kidsfabrics.com - (flannels and wovens)
* www.maldenmillsstore.com - (MM fleece of course. Check out their remnant sales and full roll orders)
* www.tonitex.com - (popular microfleece, easier to get and less expensive than MM)
* www.hempfabricshop.com - (hemp knits & wovens)
* www.organiccottonplus.com - (organic cotton fabric)
* www.pmorganics.com - (organic cottons, wools, and knits)
* http://www.greentextile.com - (cottons and organic cottons)
* www.nearseanaturals.com - (organic cottons, knits)
* www.fashionfabricsclub.com - (sometimes suitable wools, print wovens)
* www.reprodepotfabrics.com/ - (fun retro wovens and flannels, sometimes they'll have knit prints too)
* www.zoodads.com - (lots of knit prints, some MM, some diaper making stuff)
* www.kidsonlyfabrics.com - (knit prints)
* www.honeyforkfabrics.com - (knits and wovens)
* www.wazoodle.com - (has a diaper making section, read this before getting confused about their Procare vs PUL options.)
* http://www.jandofabrics.com - (lots of cool prints, great retro section!)
* www.virginiaquilter.com - (great prints, Michael Miller & other great name brands)
* www.gloriouscolor.com - (more unique prints, terrific wovens)
* http://www.sewbaby.com/diapers.html - (they carry a cover pattern, the Kwik Sew diaper pattern, Ultrex, snaps, and what looks like foldover elastic.)
* http://www.craftconn.com/Main.asp?Task=Custom&Step=Home - Unique prints.
* www.hemptraders.com - hemp knits
* www.bamboofabricstore.com - bamboo fabrics
Snap Presses and Snaps:
* www.diapershop.com
* www.make-it-snappy.com
* www.thesnapstore.com
* www.daveyfabrics.com (Canada)
* www.snap-happy.net (Canada)
* www.snapsource.com - the BEST metal snaps and a hand held snap setter that is less expensive than the above professional presses.
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